

Sowparnika CSR: Empowering Communities, Protecting Environment

Sowparnika CSR focuses on eradicating poverty, promoting education & healthcare, gender equality, environmental sustainability, and rural development in India.

Sowparnika is dedicated to driving positive change through Vidhya Vistār and other CSR activities. We believe that by supporting education, we can help build a brighter future for children and communities.


Educational Support Initiatives

We fund educational programs and scholarships, enhancing learning opportunities and infrastructure for a brighter future for students.

Special Education Programs

We support special education by providing resources and training for children with learning disabilities, ensuring inclusive learning environments.

Vocational Training and Skill Development

We offer vocational training for women, the elderly, and differently-abled individuals, equipping them with skills for better job prospects and self-reliance.

Livelihood Enhancement Projects

We support entrepreneurship and micro-financing projects, helping marginalized groups start and sustain businesses for economic growth and independence.

Sowparnika CSR Initiatives

Building Communities, Changing Lives


Real Estate


Empowering Communities through Sustainable Housing Projects


Real Estate


Enhancing Lives through Affordable Housing Solutions


Real Estate


Transforming Communities with Sustainable Real Estate Development

Any Questions

When deciding which charity to donate to, it's important to do your search and find one that aligns with your values and interests.

Vidhya Vistār improves educational outcomes by providing essential resources, creates career opportunities with a strong foundation, and fosters community development through inclusivity.

Vidhya Vistār supports education through several key initiatives. It aids in the construction and renovation of schools in underserved areas, improving educational infrastructure. The program also provides essential learning materials such as textbooks and notebooks to students. Teacher development is a focus, with training programs designed to enhance teaching quality. Additionally, Vidhya Vistār offers scholarships to financially assist students in continuing their education. Community engagement is also a priority, with workshops and awareness campaigns organized to highlight the importance of education.

You can contribute to Vidhya Vistār by donating to support educational initiatives, volunteering your time and skills to mentor students or assist with activities, and spreading the word to raise awareness.

Recent Sowparnika Activities

Fri, 14 Jun, 2024

Sowparnika Bengaluru

Blood Donars Day

22 Sep 2023

Sowparnika Head Office

Wellness-Wave Health Camp


What People Say

Government Higher Primary School,


The Vidhya Vistār program, supported by Sowparnika's CSR initiatives, has been a transformative experience for our students. The comprehensive resources and innovative teaching methods have significantly enhanced our educational approach. We are grateful for the positive impact it has made on both our teachers and students..

Nammuru Government Lower Primary School,


Thanks to Sowparnika's CSR activities and the Vidhya Vistār program, our school has witnessed remarkable improvements in student engagement and learning outcomes. The support provided has been invaluable, and we are thrilled with the progress our students are making.

Government Lower Primary School,


The collaboration with Sowparnika through their Vidhya Vistār program has been incredibly beneficial for our institution. The resources and training provided have empowered our educators and enriched the learning environment for our students. We highly appreciate this initiative and its positive effects.